On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 15:35 -0700, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
From: Guillermo Garron Sent: July 26, 2006 15:28
Ok, so as far as i understand as soon as CENTOS 4.4 is released in my next "yum update" since that date, i will have CENTOS 4.4 nothing else needed?
This is a definite yes. I just completed a new install where the 4.3 install procedure kept bombing so I installed 4.2 and then it updated in-place to 4.3.
Just curious: you have a 586? IIRC (someone confirm?), RH switched to 686 default and 4.3 you had to select the 586 kernel to install on586 and equivalent. If so, is that still the case?
Regards, Hugh