Hi Mark,
Thanks, I didn't know about the strace command, so that's useful. Fortunately, this is on a dedicated server, so there's a fair amount of free disk.
I've also remembered that one server was previously running CentOS 5.4, so I'm rebuilding the mirror server with 5.4 to see if that made a difference.
Thanks for the help.
On 10 February 2011 18:58, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Martin Hewitt wrote:
Hi all,
I'm running CentOS 5.5 Final, Java version "1.6.0_17" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.5) (rhel-1.16.b17.el5-x86_64) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode) installed via Yum.
We have a java application, packaged as a jar, running on our servers which, periodically, crawls RSS feeds and writes the articles to a database.
Randomly, and seemingly without cause, these processes will die, not through the application exiting, or due to my killing it, but due to something that seems to kill without leaving a trace.
<snip> The hard (but correct) way would be to put try {} catch in the code, and work your way down. Trying to debug it using a debugger might be real problematical, if you can't repeatably provoke it. I *suppose* you could attach strace to it, and dump the o/p into a file (on a filesystem with a *lot* of disk space)....
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