Rob, Howdy from the great state of TEXAS. I have a question for you. So far no one has had an answer for me..My Centos 5 computer has begun to take a full second before any key will respond. Type a character (or function) and it takes a full second to respond. Have you any ideas about how to cancel this malady? Alas, I have had to resort back to my Dell MX-150 (back-up) and Windows XP (UGH!)Steve Brodie,

On 10/28/07, Robert Slade <> wrote:

I have just updated from CentOS 4 to 5 and I am seeing a problem with
udev during booting, but I am unable to track it down as it looks like
the boot.log is not working. The file is there but empty and the
previous log only lists events up to the point at which I upgraded.

syslog.conf looks ok to me in so much as there is an entry pointing
to /var/log/boot.log.

Any suggestions as to what I should be looking at?


CentOS mailing list

J. Steve Brodie, K5ZYZ
(903) 786-4064 Res.
(903) 818-0234 Cell