On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:32:08AM +0200, Eric Doutreleau wrote:
yes indeed i look through the sources and the path is hardcoded it s really strange some packages for centos are built but obviously don't work.
I am by no means an expert on connection tracking, but poking through the sources from alt.ru I don't get the impression that the package as supplied works at all. It's possible I am doing things incorrectly, however.
I am seeing segfaults with conntrackd and my earlier thought that it was just a /proc path issue may not be fully correct as it's looking for "nf_conntrack_count" and not "ip_conntrack_count" which is what is present on the boxes I've looked at.
Just for reference: I rebuilt libnetfilter_conntrack, along with conntrack_tools, both from alt.ru, so there was no version mismatch.
If you ever get this working drop me a line; I'd be curious to know whether the package is indeed not working or I'm just doing something brain-dead.