Ned Slider wrote:
Which is why I originally wrote...
"*Some* are interpreting this... as an indication that xen will be dropped from RHEL6 as they direct their efforts towards KVM."
*If* xen is not included in RHEL6 then it will, by definition, be deprecated in favour of KVM irrespective of whether (or not) RH continues to support it throughout the life of RHEL5. Note that xen was dropped (not deprecated, dropped) in Fedora 10, read into that what you will :)
So xen isn't technically deprecated yet, but if I were a betting man, I wouldn't be putting all my eggs in a virtualized xen basket.
Some might choose to call that FUD, and that's their prerogative. In a way they're right as Red Hat's statement on xen does contain elements of uncertainty and doubt as they have not committed to continued ongoing support of xen past the current RHEL5 product lifecycle, and that may make some fearful for it's long term future within the Red Hat landscape.
You seem to be putting words in Fedora's mouth and this is the problem with rumour-mongering. Show us a link where it says Xen was dropped by Fedora. Fedora works with upstream and Xen (Dom0 support) was not ready in time for Fedora 10, but that does not mean it cannot come by way of an update or Fedora 11 which is expected to be the base of RHEL 6.
You are welcome to join any of the discussions upstream, rather than spreading FUD or being misinformed.
Regards, Vandaman.