Isaac Hailperin wrote:
The order of NIC detection/naming at bootup seems to be more or less random as of Centos 5.x. How do you know which name to choose here?
I find that I don't have any problems with this. I usually disable dhcp on eth1 and have no cable in it during installation. eth0 is always the port that is labelled eth0.
I don't have problems either. In fact, ksdevice=bootif does not work for me.
How many NICs and connections do you have? The bulk of my production servers have 4 or more NICs with 2 or 3 active connections and as of 5.x, until the install gets to the point where HWADDR= is set for each NIC in its /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? file the names are not predictable. In fact, I've even tried pre-configuring them on swappable drives built on similar machines and often the files with the correct HWADDR are renamed with a .bak extension at first boot in the real server and replaced with non-working defaults. Does anyone know how to avoid that? It has been very frustrating working with remote machines since device detection order was randomized.