On 12/28/2010 5:18 PM, Nataraj wrote:
On 12/28/2010 01:41 PM, james wrote:
>Do you have everything *else* updated? And what
kind of web service
>are you running?
>There's a lot of third party freeware and commercial tools
that was
>not written with any kind of resource management in mind,
and which
>may require a simple web server restart on a regular baris
to free
>memory. (MusicBrainz: I remember porting MusicBrainz.....)
Yes, all the packages are up to date. General web services --
static HTML, and the rest is mainly wordpress.
You may be right about the restart, but I would like to know
WHAT is crashing my web server regardless. We are not running
any shiftily coded sites or apps on this server that I'm aware
of (obviously something is shifty!). Is anyone aware of any
other methods for drilling into the problem?
>Look in /var/log/http/*.
Yes, these are the web server logs I am referring to having
>Do you have a search engine scanning your web server?
Hmm, no, nothing systematic. The usual crawlers out there but
nothing we are doing.
CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list
I think the answer will come from analyzing your log files and
possibly running something under cron (or in a shell script that
wakes up periodically) to gather memory/resource utilization.
Even look at a web log analyzer, like analog and see if there is a
correlation between web server hits and resource usage. You could
also try upgrading your web server/plugins or checking bugzilla
for related bugs.
CentOS mailing list
What's your http.conf? There's an setting where you can limit the
amount of time a process/thread stays alive..you can limit ram usage
by lowering that value.