On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 14:31 -0400, William L. Maltby wrote:
When the two hosts are in sync, if I activate more than a few (six or seven) xen guests, the master server crashes spectacularly and reboots.
I've seen a kernel dump over the serial console, but the machine restarts immediately so I didn't write it down.
If you have an available pc, hook it up in place of the serial console and start a terminal emulator, e.g. minicom or whatever you prefer, and turn on full logging. This should save everyting in a file that you can then review.
Uhm. The console is on the DRAC5 card. I think I would need to activate some network kernel crash dump feature.
If it's a Windows based, just remember to get rid of the ^M with dos2unix, or equivalent, after you send it to a *IX box.
I don't know anything about the rest of your problem, sorry.
As I wrote, it's a production server. I cannot stop it when I want, I need to reserve a weekend session. In the meantime, I was asking if there's a known problem with a setup like mine.
Thanks, anyway
ciao andrea