Natxo Asenjo wrote
Of course you can always find an obscure howto somewhere on the net and then complain that it does not work. I prefer to stick with the official docs.
1. If you are referring to me, I have explained several times that I was following the CentOS document which as far as I can see is the main CentOS document on this subject. Have you overlooked the fact that you are posting to a centos newsgroup?
2. I did not say that "it does not work". In fact I explicitly said that everything in it worked, except a reference to 2 obsolete RPMs.
I did suggest that it should contain a reference to what you call "postfix smarthost".
3. You seem to specialize in deliberately misreading what people say. I suggest that you try instead to answer queries instead of asserting that the people who ask them must be stupid. Nothing you have said has been the slightest help to me, whereas almost everyone else has said something of interest.