On Sun, 2006-04-09 at 00:54 -0500, Mike Kercher wrote:
centos-bounces@centos.org <> scribbled on Sunday, April 09, 2006 12:43 AM:
I had a CentOS 4.1 installation (LVM over RAID1), and tried to do an update to the 4.3 release. Nothing too fancy, I did all the partitions with the graphical installer for the 4.1 Version.
I'm not a newbie, I have quite a while working with linux, and I just want to aware people who are going to perform an update, skipping some version in between or perhaps moving to 4.3 to be very carefull in the process. I think this was a experience that was worth telling and researching to find out what really happend.
Why did you not just 'yum upgrade' to go from 4.1 to 4.3?
Mike is exactly right ...
All CentOS installs are upgradeable with the major version via yum at all times. (That is, any CentOS-4 is upgradable to the latest CentOS-4.x version via yum ... any CentOS-3 is upgradeable to any CentOS-3.x, etc.)
What is not recommended (for yum) is upgrading between major versions ... ie upgrading via yum to CentOS-4 from CentOS-3. In fact, we recommend that you backup data, do a new install and move your data over when you move from one major CentOS version to another.