Keith Roberts wrote:
On Fri, 19 Oct 2012, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
To: CentOS mailing list From: Yves Bellefeuille Subject: Re: [CentOS] Skype and Sound
James B. Byrne wrote:
Skype runs and the integrated usb video and microphone both work (I infer this from the mic test in Skype options showing movement on the intensity bar as I can hear nothing).
Have you looked at the Wiki page on Skype at ?
Have you tried running alsamixer in a terminal and checking that all the options and volumes are correct? For me, by default, the volume on the USB headset was zero.
Yves Bellefeuille
Good Point there Yves.
On Centos 5.8 when I use my USB WebCam with built-in microphone, I have to open a terminal and run alsamixer -c1 to select the built-in 'soundcard' on the WebCam.
The volume defaults to zero, and I use alsamixer to turn it the volume right up to 100% before I run Skype.
Sounds stuff does tend to be quirky, and I have suspicions that some software cheats and does *not* use the correct system function calls. I've tried running mplayer to look at a video, and gotten no sound until I closed mplayer and changed the volume in realplay, *then* got sound in mplayer.