Sorry, yet another type-o... My VM is CentOS 6.0...uname spells it out ;)
On Thu, 8 Sep 2011, Always Learning wrote:
On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 16:16 -0400, Scot P. Floess wrote:
Here is my Centos 5.6 VM:
uname -a ; yum search swtichdesk
Warning: No matches found for: swtichdesk No Matches found
******************** ERROR ************** Just noticed, after typing the bit below, your American spelling of Switchdesk is not the same as the European one :-)
My repos are:
ATrpms.repo CentOS-Base.repo centos-cr.repo CentOS-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-Media.repo CentOS-Vault.repo elrepo.repo epel.repo epel-testing.repo kbsingh-CentOS-Misc.repo rpmforge21.repo
My yum states that switchdesk is in the Base repo (for 5.6) so it is strange your yum can not find it.
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Scot P. Floess RHCT (Certificate Number 605010084735240) Chief Architect FlossWare