On Nov 3, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Ben McGinnes ben@adversary.org wrote:
On 4/11/10 10:35 AM, Ross Walker wrote:
On Nov 3, 2010, at 7:01 PM, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
On 11/03/10 3:46 PM, Ross Walker wrote:
I just think VPNs' time has come and gone.
VPN's have another use entirely, which is linking LAN segments over the internet to create a private WAN.
Yes, of course, those will remain and I use those across routers and concentrators, but the personal VPNs aren't necessary.
I'm just guessing here, but you live in a country that doesn't (or isn't trying to introduce) mandatory censorship and/or data retention. Right?
Those of us in the antipodes have a whole different reason for wanting VPN connections to such insecure points as "shared hosting" or VPS systems.
I don't have to encrypt from my government, but I am required to encrypt all communication channels by my government, so this is all done over SSL/TLS or using a protocol's native encryption.
When I say VPN I'm specifically talking about protocols that extend the internal routable network to the client PC.
If the client PC was set up in a split pipe setup it would be like running your corporate LAN with either no firewall or a consumer level firewall product with questionable administration.
You can filter within the VPN which protocols are passed but then at this point wouldn't it be better to do this at the firewall anyways?