Thanks for your advice ~
But After I edit the command "alias checketh0 "echo `ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' |awk '{print
$2}' | cut -c 6-`" in my .cshrc file
The screen displays this :
innet addr: Bcast: Mask :
I just want to the ""
Maybe is it the awk command error?
Hi Majian,On 15/12/09 15:40, Majian wrote:Hi ,all :
I'm trying to define an alias with an embeded awk command:
alias checketh0 `ifconfig eth0 |grep 'inet addr:' |awk '{prinrt $2}' |cut -c 6- `
After I edit it in the .cshrc file and run "source .cshrc" , I run the "checketh0" command in the terminal ,
the screen displays the " Command not found "
Why does is it ?Any help will be highly appreciated.
note: I'm using csh shell.
It's not an issue with awk but with the way the alias is interpreted. It tries to run the result of the commands in between the ` ` as a command itself. To get around it, try:
# alias checketh0="echo `ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' |awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 6-`"
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