BINGO! Only one time did the word 'title' appear in his grub.conf.
Well ... Only once did it appear on the left margin as the start-of-line. Thanks, M$ Outlook, for deciding how to format the message.
So the rest of the surmising was based on a false reading. Sorry folks.
grub look elsewhere for what to do. This is fairly well documented in 'info grub.'
That's part of why. 'info' has never been my friend, and probably never will. 1: man 2: google (the campus<->Internet link is broken today) 3: Forgetit. Info is too 'emacs-like' and to 'vi-addict-indifferent' as I've experienced it to be worth the time and frustration to find things. HTML docs (a la ntp/Wikipedia) are far more readable/searchable. That's my weakness, YMMV.
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