[scarolan@pstest-app13:~/ApacheJServ-1.1.2]$ ./configure --with-jdk-home=/usr/local/mercury/Sun/jdk1.5.0_01 --with-JSDK=/usr/local/mercury/Sun/JSDK2.0/lib/jsdk.jar --with-apache-src=/usr/include/httpd/
If I run the configure command without --with-apache-src here is what I get:
configure: error: Could not locate one or more of the necessary Apache header files. Please check that you have passed the correct location for the Apache directory. Note that you must run either Apache's 'Configure' or 'configure' program at least once if you have never compiled Apache before; this generates certain necessary headers files based on your platform.
This seems to indicate that it wants the apache header files, which are installed in /usr/include/httpd. Anyway if someone has an idea how I can get a working mod_jserv module for CentOS3 let me know.