Johnny Hughes wrote on Thu, 22 Nov 2012 20:11:17 -0600:
Thank you both for the replies. This was my own mistake combined with some depsolving weirdness of yum.
I have 386 and 686 excluded from the repo's because of the greediness to install all versions of a package. At least in earlier versions of the 5.x series.
When I first hit the error I checked and commented out the line. But there was no change with the error. I looked on and there was no glibc-common.i686. (Didn't look in updates then, but did now, there's really none.)
My mistake was that I commented out the exclude for the base repo, but not for updates. After commenting out for updates there is no problem to get glibc.i686. And it doesn't ask for glibc-common.
Seems there is a dependency in the i686 package that is resolved by the x86_64 package of glibc-common, but as I was accidentally trying to install an older version of glibc.i686 the installed newer version didn't match.