On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:44 PM, isdtor@gmail.com wrote:
Will evaluate again once we move production to CentOS as FreeNX has some serious bugs when it comes to remote display forwarding and the only workaround is to use vnc.
What kind of bugs have you found with freenx?
Basically, if you are logged into a machine through NX and try to submit a job to our compute cluster via the queue/resource manager, GUI apps refuse to connect back to the NX display (e.g. machine:1008.0). We were able to reproduce this with simple utilities like xrdb, so it's not an issue with the apps in question. In turn, this always works when logged into the local machine (0.0) directly. Even xhost + does not help.
I guess the closest thing I've done would be browser windows in a selenium cluster run by a jenkins job. But I think they are really local windows with the remote control handled at some other level. I don't have any trouble with remote windows tunneled by ssh connections from my freenx session, though.