On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Sagar Koiralasagar.koirala@gmail.com wrote:
partition, I created 3 logical partitions 33% each. It went numbering sdb1, sdb5, sdb6 and sdb7. Where's the hell 2,3 and 4? Anyways, I've
partitions 1 through 4 are dedicated to primary/extended partitions, logicals start from 5.
this is not linux numbering, this is the way the partition table works.
backup....ugh.......how can I use my usb partitions with Bacula? Any ideas?
http://www.bacula.org/manuals/en/concepts/concepts/New_Features.html#SECTION003245000000000000000 seems like what you're after.
BR Bent