The traffic is a combination of tunneled VNC (to Win2K), tunneled Remote Desktop (to WinXP), and interactive command line (to Linux) sessions.
For the first two types (VNC & RD), the image data is compressed before entering the encrypted tunnel. For the last traffic type there are a lot of small packets, owning to the nature of keyboard activity.
On Thursday 11 December 2008 11:17:13 am Brett Serkez wrote:
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Steve Snyder wrote:
On my CentOS v5.2 server (dual Pentium4) the OpenSSH daemon stands out as being the most CPU-intensive of the applications running, It's used 176 minutes of CPU time in the last 2 days alone.
Can you tell us more about how your system is used, especially in regard to ssh? Are there many logins? Is X forwarding used?
Brett _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list