Today a virtual server under my administration ran out of disk space, so I had to get extra space to it.. while it was running, because it's an important web server without any kind of HA/Load Balancing (don't do that, kids).
So what happened, is that after another administrator had extended the disk from VMWare, I tried to extend it from the OS side.
Everything went well, listing my steps here:
* echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/2:0:0:0/device/rescan * fdisk /dev/sdb (the usual, delete partition and make a new, bigger one)
Now's when the problems happened. After writing the partition table I got the usual "Busy" error. But I needed to do this without downtime. So, what did I try to get the kernel acknowledge the partition size change:
* hdparm -z /dev/sdb * partx -a -v /dev/sdb * partprobe -s * echo "1" > /sys/block/sdb/device/rescan
And while dmesg reported that it recognized the partition change, LVM did still not see it. So eventually, I was still forced to reboot, after which everything (pvresize, lvresize, resize2fs) worked fine. Environment:
* A VMWare virtual machine * CentOS 6.7 (Final)
Is there any other way I'm missing? Is this caused by the fact that I was trying to resize a partition that is under the root file system? If so, then is it really impossible to do it live?