Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 11:27:21AM -0400, Dick Roth wrote:
Jim Perrin wrote:
It sounds like the cd is still mounted by your user. unmount the cd, then you should be able to take it out. If you're using gnome/KDE you should have a CD icon. Right click and choose unmount/eject, or from the command line 'umount /path/to/cdrom'. The path to your cdrom will most likely be /media/cdrecorder but it varies.
Jim, thanks for your input. I had done each and every one of your suggestions. After right-clicking on the CD icon (gnome) and clicking on "Eject", I would get an error message telling me that it couldn't perform the operation. Checking mounted volumes showed no CD mounted. Running top didn't raise any flags on application helpers that might have maintained ownership or had hooks into a process that would prevent operation on the drive.
You might want to try:
fuser /mnt/cdrom
fuser -m /mnt/cdrom
These will give you some clue of what is stopping you from unmonting the fs.
Rodrigo Barbosa
Thank you Rodrigo!! You pointed the grip, which I tend to keep open on my desktop. It didn't appear to "own" the drive, but it was the culprit. And now I have just added another tool (fuser) to my little Linux toolbox.
What I love most about being a GNU/Linux user is how much I learn from other users.
Thanks again, Dick