On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Joseph L. Casale jcasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
Sorry about that...
Which I forgot to post but Benjamin already linked it to you, opps.
Well after rereading it I see that the second note of recommended things not to do has been done:) Given I don't python, I dare not criticize:) Hopefully the cluster list has some suggestions, there are people running some variant of it, and it's a perfect solution for my need:(
Digressing a bit, but what's python got over Perl, anything? I am not sure how much work is involved, but I might have a look at writing something fast in Perl, all I need to do is drop a port on a procurve to fence IO using snmp v3. SNMP::Util looks pretty basic?
Given I don't need broad support, I can probably just hack something as I only use procurves.
Why are you reading Python 2.5 documentation if you're running your so-called "stock 2.4"?
Please post both output of the
python --version uname -a
and post the Python error message.
If you want help with the code, post code - or put it sock in it.
It's off topic and unsolicited noise - which means you're wasting our bandwidth.
The module is a file
which lives on my machine in it's "stock" location
If you have a 64 bit machine, then it's /usr/lib64/python2.4.
EIther you have the atexit.py file or you don't.
If you don't have it, then go get it by downloading the source code Python 2.4 from the http://www.python.org.
And please, either put up or shut up.