On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:31 AM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Todd Denniston wrote:
m.roth@5-cent.us wrote, On 11/01/2010 02:14 PM:
It appears that if I do anything to grub.conf, say, take out the rhgb quiet, after every succeding kernel update, I have to manually edit grub.conf, because the kernel update - maybe the post install script? - will set the default to be the previous kernel. Has anyone got a solution to this, so that a kernel update will give the new kernel as the default?
Are you sure you did not also have a change from/to Xen at one point in the system's life?
Nope. It's a new system, not more than a couple months at most, and no, it's never had Xen. The other admin and I can't remember who did the deed, but we installed CentOS 5.5 as a fresh install.
In other words, the system in question has never seen non-CentOS kernels?
Could you show us the output returned by:
rpm -qa kernel* | sort