
when the computer reboots, i saw the tape drive as device detected. but i can not use it when i log on

--- En date de : Ven 11.7.08, nate <> a écrit :

De: nate <>
Objet: Re: [CentOS] tape drive
Date: Vendredi 11 Juillet 2008, 7h51

Pitshou Asingalembi wrote:
> cat /proc/scsi/scsi gave me only the HDD, the st module was loaded by
> modprobe st  but i don't have the st file under /dev.

Doesn't matter if the st module is loaded or not. If it's a SCSI
tape drive, and if it's connected to your SCSI controller, and if
the SCSI driver for your SCSI controller is loaded, the tape drive
will show up as a SCSI device.

Does your SCSI controller have a BIOS? Does the tape drive show
up in the SCSI bios?


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