On Monday 25 February 2008, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
I reached the same conclusion Saturday myself. I yum remove yum and reinstalled yum & pirut from my installation CD. The yum refused to update the kernel. I gave up on yum and downloaded the current kernel rpm. I rpm -i kernel* and received the following error message from rpm:
package kernel-2.6.18-53.1.13.el5 is intended for a i686 architecture
This is a very good clue, even rpm dislikes the concept of upgrading (installing) your kernel. :-). Was this an error message (package was not installed) or a warning (package was installed), check with rpm -q kernel.
I agree. Waaay to long. Now what do the experts have to say about this? All packages *except* the kernel files are i386. I want to end this, please?
Something is missing. It's probably something very simple. I still think you should let someone log in as root into your box and figure it out for you. :)
That was the dumbest piece of advice so far.