Niki Kovacs wrote:
nate a écrit :
I think your issue is this, if these are different virtual hosts I would set the ServerName to be the name of the virtual host itself.
I think I found the error. Not exactly sure, but here goes. My virtual host configuration works OK when I view each site with its fully qualified domain name, e. g.
http://microlinux.buildbox.presbytere.local for site 1
http://kikinovak.buildbox.presbytere.local for site 2
Only the shorter form doesn't work, which means http://microlinux.buildbox and http://kikinovak.buildbox both result in viewing site 1. Which lets me carefully deduce that virtual hosts need to be called by their fully qualified domain name.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Virtual hosts are selected by matching on your ServerName setting, so it's whatever you put there - which also has to be something that works in DNS to reach it which would be the fully qualified name for anyone who doesn't have you domain in their search list. ServerName takes a single value, but if you want additional names to be accepted you can add them to a ServerAlias setting which can have more than one.