On 7/13/2011 7:52 AM, John Hodrien wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, John Hodrien wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Mark Weaver wrote:
What I've attempting to do is make it possible for me to connect to clients' servers where RRAS service is already running using PPTP so that I can connect remotely while I'm running Linux on my laptop so I don't have to stop what I'm doing and boot Windows.
Does pptp and pptp-setup from EPEL get you to where you want to be?
Sorry, that's just me being out of date and talking crap.
I've never got on with NetworkManager-pptp in the past, so have used the base pptp client instead along with my own startup scripts.
understood. I've grown a bit lazy over the past few years which is why I'm looking at doing it with NetworkManager rather than doing things with commandline tools and scripts. Mostly for the ease of use and speed aspect of it, so I can get as much done on the fly as possible without getting distracted. I'd like to be able to use C6 as much as possible on my laptop. I feel so out of touch with Linux these days because of the overwhelming use of the windows platform for my clients.
I need to get back in touch with my inner penguin; I miss him, but by the same token I just don't have the ambition I once had to dabble and tinker which is why I was so utterly impressed when I loaded C6 on my laptop and wasn't required to jack into the network get my wireless working.