On 8.4.2011 02:54, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 4/7/11 7:28 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
I assume that the lack of a CD drive on the HP micro-server is a sign of things to come, so I would hope there would be an official method of installing CentOS on such a machine.
I think what Les suggested is one official supported method as outlined in the Installation Guide. How "official" do you want it ?
Here's the prompt you'll see and what it means:
I see no mention there of the method you suggested, which was
I don't get it. That's the whole point of the boot.img, which is made to simply dd onto a usb device. And having booted from that, there is nothing different than any other way of booting into the installer except that you have to tell it where the install media is.
Actually, I can't find "boot.img" on the DVD:
[tim@helen ~]$ cd /mnt/dvd [tim@helen dvd]$ sudo find . -name disk.img -print [tim@helen dvd]$
I see images/bootdisk.img . Is that what you meant?
Yes, my memory isn't that great, but it is in the install guide: http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Installation_Guide-en-US/ch02s04.html#id30...
My memory isnt great neither. There is a boot.iso mentioned including the use of dd but only in the Installation Guide for 6.0 (2.3 Making Minimal Boot Media)
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It seems that the link on centos.org is an outdated copy. Have a look at 2.4.1. Alternative Boot Methods in
A more manual way to make usb stick bootable is described instead. Maybe you have more luck with that. dd method is not mentioned anymore.