On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 17:49 +1200, Clint Dilks wrote:
CentOS 5.4 64 Bit
[root@inf1 /]# cat /etc/exports
Don't use root to test with. If nsswitch is not working you will need the same UID and GID across all machines to work in the directory. Which means user1 on server is UID & GID 600 it has to be the same on the client also. "id" will show the user and group id numbers and usermod and groupmod can change them. Other than that I see really nothing in the config you have. Maybe check ls -l on the nfs share for ACLs, file permissions for the user. Maybe someone else may spot something in your config. Also you can run Wire Shark to check out things for the network side and authentication.