On 08/03/2011 12:39 PM hadi motamedi wrote:
On 8/2/11, ken gebser@mousecar.com wrote:
On 08/02/2011 04:32 AM hadi motamedi wrote:
Dear All On my centos 5.6 , the KMouth is functioning for 'text to speech' facility. Can you please let me know if we have 'speech to text' facility for centos? Thank you
Thank you for your reply. I looked at your reference link but it seems that windows is ahead from Linux in this philosophy. Am I right?
Wikipedia is just one source of information and, while pretty good, not the be-all and end-all of every topic.
Having used just one of these many years ago, I don't consider myself qualified to judge all of the offerings. (I wouldn't call it "philosophy" though. :)
From my limited experience with Linux-- only a couple decades-- I've
found that in some areas Windows is ahead, other areas Apple is ahead, and in yet other areas Linux is ahead. Being stingy (market-driven) with their source code gives Windows and Apple some (at least temporary) advantages in development.