Am Mittwoch, den 10.12.2008, 08:49 +0100 schrieb Dirk H. Schulz:
I am running a Fedora 9 domU on CentOS 5.2 dom0, and it is quite
unreliable. Every few days I have the following phenomenon:
So do i.
But for me, everything works like a charm.
[root@xen ~]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5xen
Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)
Kernel on an i686 (/dev/hvc0)
Yes, i should reboot to a newer kernel. :)
Stefan Held VI has only 2 Modes:
obi unixkiste org The first one is for beeping all the time,
FreeNode: foo_bar the second destroys the text.
Fedora Ambassador:
perl -e'map{print pack c,($|++?1:13)+ord,select$,,$,,$,,$|}split//,ESEL.$/'