An interesting bug in RHEL 3(which affects CentOS 3) has been bantered around for a while. There are some kernel patches(beyond my scope right now) or some echo statements tht are used(this helped my situation). The newest 2.4.x kernels have these patches incorporated. Would centOS 3 go nuts if i installed the latest kernel from
<btw the issue is that the 2.4.xx kernels ahve a tendency to fill up ram with cache..which is normal. The bug is that the kernel then refuses to rlease the cache and instead starts swapping...which i have noticed in my little install here. What i did to fix it as a workaround(noted in the buzilla report here: is to send the following command at the command line: (echo 1 10 10 >/proc/sys/vm/pagecache) I have noticed this is another RH9 server i ahve access to and will be trying it on that box too as well as my linux firewall.>