On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 12:52 -0500, William J.A. Brillinger wrote:
At 12:37 PM 08/09/2005, you wrote:
Do I need to install the netpbm-progs.i386 and netpbm-devel.i386 also??
netpbm-progs is the command line utilities
Cheers, MaZe.
netpbm-progs.i386 10.25-2.EL4.1 update Matched from: netpbm-progs
"Tools for manipulating graphics files in netpbm supported formats. The netpbm-progs package contains a group of scripts for manipulating the graphics files in formats which are supported by the netpbm libraries. For example, netpbm-progs includes the rasttopnm script, which will convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap. Netpbm-progs contains many other scripts for converting from one graphics file format to another.
If you need to use these conversion scripts, you should install netpbm-progs. You'll also need to install the netpbm package."
It would have been nice if the description (above) include the text "command line tools" or similar.
Well, it does say "script" four times, although I suppose non-programmers might not make the connection between "script" and "command-line".