On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Reindl Harald h.reindl@thelounge.net wrote:
are you really that dumb? "take the free version away" -> come on and explain how this works for GPL software
Exactly, explain where the GPL distinguishes between what restrictions you can add to binaries vs source components.
Redhat *does not* sell the software and code they sell the service and support contracts
So, what about redistribution of copies?
why are you not simply use a operating system without code from Redhat and shut up? Windows and Apple OSX as example would free you from Redhat and CentOS come on, move forward if you are pissed of Redhat for no reason!
I could use debian, but then I'd have to learn to type apt-get instead of rpm. I'd prefer to continue using the commands that Red Hat baited us with.