Hi All;
I have a laptop running the "workstation" version of Linux from RedHat. I've enabled the EPEL and rpmfusion repos plus I'm subscribed to the following channels: * Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * Red Hat Network Tools for RHEL Client (v.5 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Supplementary (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Workstation FasTrack (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop Workstation (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) * RHEL Desktop FasTrack (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64)
I have openioffice version 3.1.1
I also have 2 employees running fully patched 5.4 CentOS. They also have the EPEL and rpmfusion repos enabled as well as the centos plus repo. They however have openoffice version 2.3.0
I *thought* that CentOS was basically the equivelant of RHEL. did we do something wrong? or is RHEL (at least in the case of openoffice) shipping a newer release than CentOS?
Thanks in advance...