Hey Michael,
I would try to check it up from bottom up and note that each time it fails you may have an error popping out later.
The first thing is to check voltage in the BIOS. Then if it's by percentage 12V should be between 11.9 to 12.1 when these are quite not the best thing to have if possible. Also take a look at the 3V and 5V to make sure that all the voltage in the machine is in the acceptable percentage which should be about 1-3% off the 12.0 3.0 5.0 ( It should be there in the BIOS)
The next step is to verify that the memory is not in high "performance" settings which can be high voltage or unverified settings. Most D865GBFL should work with most memory chips and cards out of the box. I do not remember if these boards do have memory settings in jumpers but since it's a P4 I would assume it's possible to see those (not yet finished to read the whole 142 pdf).
Try to adjust the agp Aperture size to lower then 64MB (16).
In the Hardware monitoring try to see what is the CPU heat which should be up to 70C but in some cases will show 90C+ but it's due to sensor failure.
The next step will be to restore the bios defaults settings and disabling the 1.44 (unless you have one).
This is the BIOS level I can think about from the product guide side.
The next step is to make sure you have backups for what you need (just as a regular basis task that should be done)
Also don't be tempted to replace this beast with a ARM\ATOM or any other suggestion that might not understand what a 3.2 P4 can do that the BEST ATOM cpu cannot.
I do not know where you live at and there-for the price can vary from one place to another and which can be over 200$ and over 300$.
This machine is not described as Linux compatible by INTEL and which can or cannot be a reason for anything and the change of Plug And Play flag in the bios might help to solve some problems\issues.
It is possible that the power supply was a bit loaded using two disk devices and which can cause some system freezes when a high load is there on it for a long period of time.
To make sure that the power supply is there and working properly not harming any hardware you should open the case (if it's an easy to open one) while it's off the network grid and make sure that all capacitors are in a good shape.
This is a point which you should understand this beast is old and since it works on 3.2 Ghz some parts might have gotten old but not necessarily needs to be replaced.
In a case you are replacing anything you should take couple parts together: CPU RAM Power Supply. Fans.
Sometimes it can sound a drastic change but it is recommended since there are couple unknowns in the picture which I would prefer to not discover as a fact.
I am almost sure that this CPU is a 32bit and if you don't need(like many) the fancy GRAPHICS and some additions that was added to the latest and shiny releases of Fedora then 14 is just fine.
On the next fedora release I would like to hear from someone there how many times in 5 years he replaced his chairs or his drill for example. (I assume it was not done 5 times over all these 5 years)
You can look up on the software level 4-5 times but still each time the machine got stuck some information was not written to the FS and it happens while sometime causes a problem to read a file.
The basic badblocks tool can help you discover if there is a problem with the software accessing any of the drives. Note that it happens that access to a DISK can be because of a cable sometimes.
In a case you want to make sure that the problem is in another level then the DISK you can try to work with a LIVE dvd\cd not touching any DISK IO while working on the PC.(this machine do not have USB boot support the last time I checked).
I do hope it will help you to find the right path with your PC.
Regards, Eliezer
On 25/11/13 18:58, Michael Hennebry wrote:
The computer is a DakTEch Freedom 4 P4 DDR System. The system board is a D865GBFL w/LAN,audio & video Processor Intel Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz 800FSB I got it in 2006. I switched to CentOS because Fedora will not install on it any more. Fedora 14 is the last I was able to install. Installation has almost always been a tremendous hassle for me, so I've usually not gone with the latest and greatest until my current nears EOL. I've read that a kernel bug is the reason that I could not install F16. Supposedly it had been fixed by F17, but no go.