- The problem with Brian is that he goes on and on, but it's actually
never CentOS stuff, like arguing what kind of Raid and states his opinion as facts.
Heh. His opinion just happens to concur with mine in that 1) 3ware 750x and 850x are absolutely disasters in RAID 5 mode for performance and 2) if you do want to do RAID 5 on a 3ware card, go get a 950x series card.
Where I work, we host millions of email boxes and run hundreds of fileservers where the emails are stored. When the team was on the lookout for new fileservers which would use a hardware raid card about two years ago, they chose 3ware. We could only fit 6 disks in the case and so there was debate about maximising space versus performance.
I made it clear that raid 5 would be slow and a disaster should any disk take a hike. All I had for proof were public benchmarks on software vs hardware raid and which included different hardware raid cards done a year earlier. Of course, since we had not have any experience with the card and they had only had experience with Mylex Raid cards, what I said was taken as an opinion only. The team went ahead with raid 5 since I was only the mail admin and i cannot demonstrate that raid 5 would be slow.
Now the team configures three mirrored arrays instead of running a RAID5 array after being burned badly by the production problems caused by RAID5 mode. Bryan did not make opinions about the different kinds of RAID and what 3ware card you should use. He gave detailed explanations on why RAID5 on a 3ware 950x card with a ram module would be fast, why it does not perform on the older series and that has been proven where I work. We have a ten disk box that uses a 950x 3ware card and those ten disks are configured in raid5 mode. It performed while being used as an emergency mail queue doing thousands of deliveries per minute. I was amazed but now I know why thanks to Bryan.
Drop the Bryan is a nuisance mentality.