On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, Les Mikesell wrote:
I use ksdevice= as a boot option (e.g., in the APPEND section of syslinux or pxelinux config).
How do you know which device is going to be eth0 at that point?
That's a great question. Sadly, my answer is somewhat idiosyncratic and less likely to be of use in larger environments.
In our small-office environment, I rarely kickstart a new server until after I've booted it into a rescue environment. The initial boot allows me to inventory the MACs (for dhcp), adjust IPMI network settings, check for driver issues, and double-check to ensure that the hardware matches the order. (I've only had one case where a vendor shipped less RAM than we'd purchased, but I'm glad I identified the problem before I wrote any data to the hard drives.)
It's during the MAC inventory that I identify eth0, eth1, ... I've never had a case where the order in the initial boot environment didn't match the kickstart environment.