Hi Niki,
Niki Kovacs wrote:
Next step was to hunt these down with yum. Alas, yum install perl- AnyEvent return a missing dependency error (Coro::Signals) and says it won't be installed.
Each of these modules has quite an impressive list of dependencies in return. Now I already performed a manual install of these on Slackware, and it ran fine. So I gave it a try here. Following a suggestion on IRC, I used cpan2rpm for this. But I couldn't get past the second module.
The first two dependencies are ExtUtils::Depends and ExtUtils::PkgConfig. Now I can install *one* of these fine with cpan2rpm, but when I get to the second module, I can't rpm -ivh it, because RPM complains about a clash with the other module.
Which leaves me clueless. Any suggestions?
It seems you want to stick with rpm, but it you are willing to try perl's own "package installer" -- CPAN -- , you should be able to do this with no problems after some initial config.
To run CPAN,
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
It'll ask you a bunch of config questions to set up for your environment. You can typically accept the default. Say you want to be asked before installing dependies. Choose a mirror or 2 or 3 near you when that choice comes up. Then, when that is done...
cpan> install DVD::RIP
It'll find all the cascading dependencies and install them for you after asking. You might get some install errors due to compile problems or test errors. Watch for them and, if they happen, try to install that package alone and fix the errors.
I've been using this for years and been very happy with it. I understand there are other, newer installers for perl as well.
Take care,
Kurt Hansen