A colleague has a newly built 64-bit CentOS 5.0 system that, through yum updates, has become CentOS 5.2. VMWare Workstation and Player work fine for my account on it. But a recent configuration of something under their account has produced:
vmplayer GTK Accessibility Module initialized /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmplayer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libspi.so.0: undefined symbol: atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type
The same error (I think) comes up if I try to invoke vmware (Workstation).
As a reminder, if I su - <my account> and run vmplayer, it works.
I typed env > env.txt for both accounts, diff'd them, and didn't see anything obvious to my eyes.
I did the same for set > set.txt. Again, nothing obvious. I rebooted the system. Same problem.
What is the most likely cause under their account if, on the same system, it works fine for me?
Google searching didn't help much, either. A few posts about the same problem, but no responses.
Thanks for any insights.