On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 17:18 +0000, Timothy Murphy wrote:
I see that the "Falko" tutorial at http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_backuppc recommends (on page 3) that one should enter one's username, "falko" in this case, as the user in /etc/BackupPC/hosts .
Other tutorials suggest one should use the user "backuppc", who was indeed created by "yum install BackupPC".
I found the BackupPC documentation excellent, not familiar with the above howto.
The user the howto refers to is the user to connect to the remote station as, not the user to run backuppc as.
I'd suggest sticking to the GUI/Web-interface, while reading BackupPC documentation.
- This tutorial also suggests at one point that when exchanging SSH keys
one should login to the BackupPC server as backuppc . "Yum install BackupPC" did indeed create a user backuppc on the server, but the entry in /etc/passwd reads backuppc:x:101:104::/var/lib/BackupPC:/sbin/nologin so I cannot login as (or su to) backuppc .
Should I alter this password entry?
No need - just put the ssh keys in /var/lib/BackupPC/.ssh/