Bazooka Joe wrote:
upgrade to 1.0 - fixes several bugs
w/ .99 outlook will spontaneously redownload all the main in your mailbox thinking it is new.
that lf error was so bad on my server that I wrote a perl script to check for it and fix it ran w/ cron every min. (this was on a fc 4 box
- should be same)
$w=`/usr/bin/tail -n 500 /var/log/maillog`; if ($w =~ /LF not found where expected/) { $w=~//var/mail/(.*):/; print $1; $m=`/usr/bin/formail -ds </var/mail/$1 >>/var/mail/$1.rebuild`; $t=`/bin/cp /var/mail/$1.rebuild /var/mail/$1`; $r=`/bin/rm /var/mail/$1.rebuild`; }
Ergh. Some things to consider changing next time you write a script like this.
1) you need a lockfile to prevent it from running more than once simultaneously. (see the "lockfile" utility for a good way to do this even from shell scripts.) this is particularly important when you're launching a job every minute from cron. there are all sorts of reasons the system can bog down for a minute, and two simultaneous copies of this script would trip over each other badly.
I stick lockfiles under /var/lock, so if you lose power while your script is running, /etc/rc.sysinit will delete the lock on next boot and your script will pick up again. this choice means that your script should work if there was a half-finished run before a full one, though, see below.
2) it is appending to $1.rebuild rather than overwriting it, so if there was a half-finished run before the file contents will be duplicated. solve with > instead of >>.
3) if "formail" returns failure (say, out of some critical system resource), you're probably going to lose whatever's in the file. check the exit status and bail before the replacement to avoid this.
4) it's using "cp + rm" to replace the file. "mv" would be a lot better - when src and dst are on the same filesystem, it atomically replaces the destination (so no one will ever see a half-written file there), is robust against running out of free disk inodes or blocks, and is even faster. in your script, if the copy fails you'll delete both copies of the file.
5) you can do stuff like copying and deleting and moving files directly from Perl, which is faster and more robust than using `` and shell utilities. eliminates failures like unable to fork(), etc.