So I tried XFS last night and it cut my copy times down substantially, so I need someone to verify that XFS in centos 5.4 has barriers enabled by default, I am not using LVM just the old fashion partitions and mount points.  It appears that reading from the centos wiki that xfs is enabled in the kernel due to upstream vendor doing so for the first timeI loaded up xfsprogs and xfsdump but it was not clear about the barrier details.... advance. :)

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Brent L. Bates <> wrote:
    If you want dependability, reliability, robustness, and a fast file
system the only choice is XFS.  It is the ONLY file system I will use/trust.
 I've been using it since it first came out on SGI's under IRIX and have been
using it under Linux for a number of years.  It survives system crashes and
disk hardware problems and just keeps on going.  You will not find a better
file system out there.


 Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
 M.S. 912                              Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
 NASA Langley Research Center            FAX:(757) 865-8177
 Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001