On 4/27/2016 12:59 PM, JJB wrote:
Interesting. Back in 1980 we called /bin/sh the Mashey shell. It did not have command substitution or other things we now take for granted. Bourne did that for us. So there's a version or two missing in history...
this suggests the PWB/Mashey shell was pretty short lived... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PWB_shell
derivatives of Unix Version 7 were about the first Unix version most people outside of a few universities ever saw, like I believe my first in depth exposure to Unix was 4.1BSD, on Dec VAX 11/780. I remember having to get a Unix/32V license from AT&T, then photocopy the label of the tape and fax it to Berkeley before we could get 4.1BSD from them due to licensing weirdness. I don't remember ever even mounting that AT&T tape.