On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Joseph L. Casale jcasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
Wbinfo -u & wbinfo -g do indeed work for me however getent passwd or getent group returns no AD users or groups. I have winbind entries in nsswitch for both the passwd & >group entries. Josepeh, I will try a newer RPM from a different repository and see if that resolves my issues. Did my smb.conf look ok?
getent doesn't need to return data for this to work, just wbinfo. It's likely the issue I spoke of, aside from the winbind entries in smb.conf that allow local logon.
Take my advice: yum erase samba == uber happiness
Get ldap working, no interop issues with the old samba version in rhel and newer ms servers. Plus you will be using something forward compatible that a txt edit could likely fix in the event something drastic changed in the schema and search filters for example had to change.
We've been using nss_ldap against AD for years. It's never a problem.