On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Robert Heller
<heller@deepsoft.com> wrote:
Wondering: could these extra 2 drives have been 'spare' disks that were
never actually installed? And got mixed in with the 'used' drives?
I doubt it since there are quite a few drives that were part of a RAID set and I could get some data from them.
It is also possible that the drives got 'wiped' somehow, eg they were
on the bottom shelf when the cleaning crew came by with the floor waxing
No floor waxing or other "vibrating" machines come in this office.
So I guess the techs just completely wiped them for security or other reasons. Unfortunately none of the guys remember.
But it's fine, I'll just salvage what I can from the other drives and then resell these to someone else who can use them.