from my googling around, it doesn't look there is a single motherboard that supports core 2 duo and works without patches or tweaks. is that true? the main thing we want is:
core 2 duo support 4g of 800mhz (or better) ram sata gig ether with pxe boot
My Asus P5B "Deluxe" worked out of the box with Centos 4.4. I used a SATA CDROM to load Centos 4.4 x86_64. The only "tweak" I did was load the nvidia drivers for the graphics card (the built in linux drivers work but are not very good, but that's true on all nvidias irrespective of motherboard). The skge driver for nic1 (the second one) works great. PATA will have to wait until RHEL (Centos) 5 comes along and I left the JMicron unused because there are no drivers for it yet. USB doesn't have any problem with the antique scanner we have plugged into it or with newer digital cameras and printers. Scilab and R both run very well. Scilab does not seem to benefit from the duo core, but R runs much faster. VMserver runs 32 bit windows very nicely.
The box runs 100M ether with the linux skge driver and I do not run pxe boot so I do not know if Centos 4 will provide what you need. Although the linux skge driver purports to be capable of Gig ether, you may have to use the latest from Marvell's web site to actually get to a gig. Trying to use both NIC's at the same time produced erratic results with any combination of drivers. Microsoft's (pardon the expression) optical mouse, a very overpriced nvidia graphics card, 4 SATA's, SATA DVD, raid all seem happy. Overclocking the E6600 worked with the Corsair 800Mz memory, locked up randomly under load with slower memory. 4GB is all the P5B Deluxe will take.
The lack of a proper driver for sensors ( I heard that an older driver sort of works), no PATA support, and the not-really-dual nic problem implies that installing RHEL4 or Centos4 is a short term measure before upgrading to the RHEL5 or Centos5 releases this spring. I have heard that these issues are all resolved in the RHEL5 beta, but have not actually tried the beta myself.
Be forewarned, if you run XP on top of the VMware server, you may or may not have a license (validation) issue when you upgrade to VMware on RHEL5 (Centos5) in the spring if it sees a different platform.
The P5B 'Lux performs well for math and engineering stuff, hasn't failed or hicupped yet despite a period of shaky building power. If you can get the pxe boot to work, it should roll out pretty well for workstations if that is your intended use.
Hope that helps you a little.