> Lucian@lastdot.org wrote:
>> I'm no Oracle user/expert, but isn't Oracle DB 11g free (as in
>> So my take is he's not paying anything.
pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
> AFAIK, its only free for your initial development work. As soon
as you
> deploy a production app, you have to get support, and as soon as you
> have a support contract, you can no longer run any free instances,
> except the lightweight 'express' version which is limited to very
> databases with only a few connections and doesn't have any of the
> enterprise functions.
Let me absolutely clear on this,
when I say 'production' I'm speaking about my personal home network
only. This network consists of a very few machines with very limited
access to the outside world. I use it for my education and experience only.
So production, to me, is a environment I don't want to update more than
once a year.
Gene Poole