To me, a storage developer and there technique is very different then using plain old mdadm for sw raids within a Linux distro.
I know vendors like Bluearc, Netapp, etc spin there own firmware, ie software but thats very very diff then mdadm within the OS.
And yes, i could do for more reading for sure.
On Sep 27, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 28/09/09 04:20, wrote:
You have me there.
I've only done perhaps 6 sw based Raids because I would only use hw Raids for production data, so I sleep better at night.
Tell me, you ever support your Frankenstein contraptions?
I am not sure what h/w raid you are using - almost every major hba developer has had storage shaping since the last 4 - 7 years. Specially on self contained storage setups.
And yes, I totally support mdraid/areca/3ware/lsi/megaraid/servraid/cciss sort of solutions - each one of them has raid migrations.
my feeling is that you need to spend a bit of time and see how the storage world is moving these days :)
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